General News
7 Weeks Pregnant: Pregnancy Symptoms, Babies Growth & Development
What’s new this week?
Your body
Clothes starting to feel a little snug? By this week, you may find it harder to button up your favorite jeans. Time to go shopping! You don’t have to go to the maternity ward just yet, but it’s worth picking up at least a few key items that are a size larger than you normally wear, more than anything. All the extra hormones in your body can also start to affect the way your skin looks. This could be a good thing for you – clearer skin, that dewy “pregnancy glow” you always hear about it. Or, er, maybe not. Your skin may look duller and you may find yourself breaking out more. If excess oil is your problem (thanks, hormones), it may help to wash your face twice a day with a good gentle cleanser, use an oil-free moisturizer, and drink plenty of water.
It is very common to develop appetite and food aversion during the first trimester. As with other symptoms, such as morning sickness, they tend to subside as you approach the fourth month of pregnancy. But right now, certain foods you used to love — a good burger and fries, Thai food — may now seem completely disgusting. And all you might want to eat is, say, buttered noodles and yogurt. Or chicken salad sandwiches. Despite what you may have heard, craving certain foods doesn’t necessarily mean your body needs that particular item (or, more specifically, the nutrients it contains). Is it okay to give in to your desires? Of course! Working your way through a few pints of Ben & Jerry’s every day isn’t a great idea, but in moderation you can have pretty much anything you want to eat. Plus, it can feel like a big coup to find something that tastes good and can actually keep you down. In short: aim for a healthy general diet and enjoy it! (Read the article on Diet tips to eat healthy during pregnancy)
1/3 inch
Height of your baby
< 1 ounce
Weight of your baby
black bean
Size of your baby
your baby
You may have heard the term: “from crown to tail” please mention when referring to your baby’s size. Doctors measure length this way early in pregnancy — based on the span from the top of his tiny head to his butt, rather than head to toe — because it’s easier and more accurate than trying to guess how long the coiled baby is. the little man’s body is . So from head to head, right now your baby is about the size of a black bean. Also this week, your baby’s heart has developed a right and left ventricle, and the esophagus and trachea change and differentiate into separate tubes, with lungs on either side. Facial features become more defined and at this stage small nostrils are visible and there is color in the irises of the eyes. Hands and feet also form at the ends of what was just the very beginning of tiny arm and leg buttons just a few weeks ago. The umbilical cord, your baby’s lifeline to you, is starting to take shape.
Your life right now
Chances are, your first big prenatal checkup is coming — and you should be feeling both excited and nervous. (After all, you don’t want anything in the world right now but for everything to go perfectly.) The first visit will be long, so it’s worth doing some prep work beforehand to make sure you have all the information the doctor needs , as well as a list of questions you’d like answered. What to expect: Your health care provider will take your medical history (as well as your father’s), check your vital signs (weight, blood pressure, etc.), and do a physical exam. She can also do blood and urine tests and do an ultrasound to check the baby’s size and give you a more accurate due date. If you didn’t get the overview of pregnancy doses and don’ts before — what to eat, what to avoid, the scoop on exercise — get those details now. Be sure to write down any concerns or questions you have. And don’t be shy about asking about weird or unpleasant symptoms you may be experiencing. Trust us: Doctors have heard and seen it all. So speak out! (Read the article on Tips for choosing the right gynecologist near you)
Moms Like Me/ I wish I had known
Spotting is normal and brown spots are okay. Brown spots means the blood is old. If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor – we pay them for that!“ –cl-sammyj1987
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