Devil May Cry Ending Explained And Plot Analysis

What happens at the end of Devil May Cry 1? Does the game have a great ending? This is the right place to find out all about the Devil May Cry, so scroll down and find out all about it. Devil May Cry, the game that started it all, is an action-adventure hack and slash video game from Capcom, released in 2001. The game follows Dante, a devil-human hybrid who is a devil hunter. He goes on a quest to stop a former devil king named Mundus from crossing the human realm and catching up with a mysterious woman named Triss.
Devil May Cry is a very loose adaptation of Divine Comedy. The game was initially an idea for Resident Evil 4 but did not fit well with the tone of the Resident Evil franchise and became its own game. The first Devil May Cry became such a fan favorite that it spawned its own franchise with novels, anime, movies, comics, etc. Devil May Cry has four sequels and one prequel. Upon its release, Devil May Cry received universal acclaim and was commercially successful, selling over two million copies.
Devil May Cry Plot
Devil May Cry begins at an office called Devil May Cry, a human-demon hybrid run by Dante. A strange woman attacks his office and later him, which he brushes away like nothing. She reveals herself as Trish and tells him that what she did was a test. Trish announces that Mundus, formerly a king of the underworld and suspected murderer of Dante’s family, plans to invade the human kingdom after his ancient captivity.

The duo then head to an island, Mallet Island, where Mundus plans to open the gates of the Underworld. Trish then leaves Dante, where he continues alone. In the castle, he fights against many demons and solves puzzles, traps and tricks to progress. There he gets a magical living sword, Alastor and Gauntlets, Ifrit. Dante then eventually battles the servants of Mundus, a demon spider-scorpion hybrid named Phantom, a demon bird named Griffon, and a masked dark knight demon named Nelo Angelo. He defeats everyone except Nelo Angelo in his first battle, which he survives because Nelo Angelo flees after seeing his half Amulet.

Dante fights him twice more and discovers that Nelo Angelo is none other than his twin brother Vergil, who brainwashed Mundus and made him his servant. During the final battle, Vergil dies and his half amulet joins Dante’s half amulet. After the Amulet becomes one, its primary sword, Force Edge, evolves to become the Sparda sword.
End of Devil May Cry
During one of the battles with a bioweapon called Nightmare, Triss is in danger. Dante saves her, but she reveals that she is Mundus’ Spy. Dante explains that he only did this because she resembled her mother and warned her never to go near him. He goes into battle with Mundus, where Triss is again targeted, but even after what he said, he saves her and is injured in the process. Mundus uses this opportunity to fire a beam at Dante, but Triss seizes it and dies. Fury overtakes Dante and unleashes his full power. He confronts Mundus on another dimension. Dante asks why he created Triss and sends her to him.

Mundus explains that it was to make Dante weak. Dante becomes angrier and eventually transforms into a devil form called Devil Trigger and defeats Mundus.
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