Ac ki Taisi is the latest web series that is set to stream exclusively on Primeshots. The series centers around...
ET – Evariki Thala Vanchadu film is a dubbed version of the Tamil movie Etharkkum Thunindhavan and it is an action thriller movie directed by Pandiraj....
by Regina Avalos, March 11, 2022 Bosch: Legacy finally has a premiere date on IMDb TV. the Bosch sequel series arrives on the streaming service on...
Generally it is the other way around. Marvel comics inspire and influence Marvel Movies. That’s not always the case though. Turns out, it’s a two-way street....
Nooru Kodi Vaanavil is an upcoming Tamil movie starring Harish Kalyan and Siddhi Idnani in the lead roles. Directed by Sasi, the film was bankrolled by...
Ratched Season 2: Ryan Murphy is arguably one of the most prolific TV series writers. He started with Popular and Nip/Tuck, reached the state of grace...