Stalker is a psychological thriller, a Kannada movie directed by Kishore Bhargava. The story is about a man named Aravind...
Kolai is the most awaited crime thriller drama directed by Balaji Kumar. Vijay Antony takes the main role and shares the screen space with Ritika Singh,...
First Half Report: The first half of Suriya’s ET is a Mega serial on the big screen. We get some interest via the ‘women angle’ only...
The God of War series is coming to Amazon and we will finally see Kratos in action again. The lore and mythology around the series is...
Jio Rockers is a torrent website that filters pirated versions of South Indian and Bollywood movies online. The site mainly targets the latest Telugu movies, web...
Das Ka Dhumki is an upcoming Telugu language romantic comedy entertainer helmed by Naresh Lee. It is scripted by Prasanna Kumar Bezwada. The movie features Vishwak...