Main Te Bapu Cast and Crew Title Main Te Bapu language Telugu/Punjabi/Hindi Genre Comedy Drama director Uday Pratap Singh producer...
Again My Life Episode 2 is just around the corner. Given the release date of the show, we are highly excited to witness the second episode...
Yet Another crime thriller series, ‘Windfall’ is all set to arrive on Netflix, The series is directed and written by Charlie McDowell, ‘Windfall’ is all about...
The Lost City is an American romantic adventure film that is directed by Adam nee and Aron Nee. The movie was premiered on March 12, 2022,...
The Netflix series ‘Elite’ created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, Elite is a Spanish thriller teen drama, that portrays the lives of students studying in...
Bridgerton, Netflix series, Season 1 was a super hit that was watched by over 82 million households in the first 28 days. It was released on...