Parineeti Chopra’s trailer The girl on the train released on February 3, 2021, and the actor has received high praise from both the film fraternity and...
Lokesh Kanagaraj is back after his previous venture Kaithi in 2019. Lokesh’s directorial debut was with a hit movie, ‘Pokkiri’ in 2007, and he has decided...
Epic Games has always made it a point to lead members of other pop culture fandoms to the Fortnite bandwagon. It’s one of the many reasons...
Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, who worked with Sandeep Nahar in ‘Kesari’, took to social media to express his grief over his untimely demise. Khiladi Kumar offered...
How ironic it is that ‘death’ becomes the central theme of a film the fate of the protagonist who delves into the idea of climbing into...