The film is directed by Chandra Sekhar Yeleti, known for acclaimed thrillers such as ‘Aithe’ and ‘Anukokunda Oka Roju’. The trailer of the Nithiin starrer To...
One of the most anticipated movies of the season – Akshay Kumar, Kiara Advani starrer ‘Laxmii’ was leaked on various torrent websites by Tamilrockers minutes after...
Chicago PD is an American police-legal television series created by Dick Wolf and Matt Olmstead like a part from Wolf‘s Chicago franchise The series broadcast on...
Three students a lecture and a bag full of accidents where you press your stomach together while smiling. Hostel Daze is probably one of the bestbest...
The common man mourns the falling interest rates at the banks on fixed deposits. On the other hand, he is also not happy with the benefits...