9-1-1 is a show that premiered on Fox on January 3, 2018. The show revolves around the first responders on an accident scene, which features police...
Durgamati: Bhumi Pednekar, Arshad Warsi, Jisshu Sengupta and Mahie Gill starrer Durgamati was released on Amazon Prime Video on Friday, November 11 at noon. The movie...
‘Psycho Goreman’ is a delightfully ridiculous, absurdist horror comedy that follows the story of two children who unwillingly find and awaken an evil alien warlord. The...
Express News Service LUCKNOW: The younger brother of murdered gangster Vikas Dubey surrendered in Lucknow court on Wednesday after being in hiding for nearly five months....
Kerala Blasters and Jamshedpur FC have done exactly the same in the ongoing Indian Super League in terms of points and wins. Both sides have 14...