Gullak Season 2: It tells the story of a simple family struggling to make ends meet. Just like the first season, this season will also feature...
Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari is a 2020 Indian Hindi-language satirical comedy-drama film directed by Abhishek Sharma and produced by Zee Studios. Cast: Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari...
Amazon prime has come up with another Hollywood movie which is Evil Eye which you can full download for free with the methods & steps Provided...
Bullets Web Series Review: Mx Player comes with its new web series Bullets. Does it give you what was expected? Is it still entertaining and equally...
Jayeshbhai Jordaar is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language social comedy film produced by Yash Raj Films and directed by newcomer Divyang Thakkar. Ranveer Singh plays the titular lead role of a Gujarati man who believes in equal rights between...