The Midnight Sky is a 2020 American science fiction film directed by George Clooney, based on the novel Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton. It stars Clooney and follows a scientist who must...
Who’s Your Daddy 2: Since the beginning, ZEE5 has been surprising the audience with the kind of show that they are releasing. Each show which they...
Spotify Premium is one of the most popular music apps in the world. Its popularity can be attributed to its large collection of songs from all over the...
The White Tiger is an upcoming drama film directed by Ramin Bahrani, adapted from Aravind Adiga’s 2008 novel of the same name. The Netflix Originals is based on Indo-Australian writer Aravind Adiga’s book of...
Ever since the very first legally-acclaimed sportsbook was opened in Nevada in the year 1949, sports betting has been a popular trend in the nation &...