Bhushan Kumar’s T-series brings together Parth Samthaan and Diksha Singh, two of the most beloved faces on television and the OTT platform, for ‘Rim Jhim’. The song, sung by celebrated recording artist Jubin Nautiyal, was composed by Ami Mishra and written by Kunaal Vermaa, making this a dream team collaboration.
As the title suggests, ‘Rim Jhim’ promises to be the ultimate romantic song this monsoon and was shot in natural locations from green landscapes, mountains, beaches and the works.
Parth Samthaan & Diksha Singh Photo:
Parth Samthaan is back to win the hearts of the audience and Diksha Singh in ‘Rim Jhim’, which is all about how love happens when you least expect it.
Parth Samthaan says: “I was very happy to work with Diksha Singh. She is extremely charming and just lights up the screen. ‘Rim Jhim’ is the perfect song to enjoy over a cup of coffee or on a long drive. I’m sure the audience will love it.”
Diksha Singh added: “I had a great time shooting ‘Rim Jhim’ with Parth and hopefully our camaraderie reflects our on-screen chemistry. We shot in breathtaking locations that fit the course beautifully.”
Bhushan Kumar, head of T-Series, says: “Rim Jhim will be your favorite romantic song this monsoon season. From the composition, vocals and the music video, the song is definitely something that will stay with the audience for a long time.
Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series presents Jubin Nautiyal’s ‘Rim Jhim’. Featuring Parth Samthaan and Diksha Singh, the romantic song will soon be released on the T-Series YouTube channel.