Rune Factory 5: Pre-order, Prices and Platforms

Rune Factory is a popular franchise among RPG enthusiasts. The series developed by Neverland and later Hakama for the Nintendo video game consoles have a special place in the gaming community. The game is a spin-off of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons game series. Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto describes Rune Factory games as Harvest Moon, where you wield a sword. Since Rune Factory 4 in 2012, fans have been waiting for the next installment in the franchise. This article takes a detailed look at Rune Factory 5, its release date and what we know so far about this role-playing simulation game.
Together they start working in a small town called Rigbarth. But life here is not always peaceful. The main character has to protect their small town from the monsters to keep the peace. Players can choose between Ares or Alice as their male or female hero. Not only that, the players can interact with many characters in the game, which they will encounter from time to time.
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