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4 weeks pregnant | What to expect in the fourth week of pregnancy?
What’s new this week?
Your body
At this point, you might be wondering: hmm, could I be pregnant? It won’t be long before that suspicion becomes a resounding “Yes!” and a pregnancy test flashes you a big, radiant confirmation. Within a week, a home pregnancy test should be able to pick up enough hCG in your urine to give a positive result – one of life’s unforgettable moments and one that is sure to evoke a whirl of emotions. You can feel ecstatic (“I’m going to be a mother!), stunned (“A baby is growing inside me!”) and completely petrified (“Whoa…I’m going to be a mother!”) all at once.
Physically, you may experience some early pregnancy symptoms, including: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, bloating, feeling full, mild cramps or spotting, mood swings, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. Exhaustion is also common. But if there’s one thing you’ll quickly learn about pregnancy—by talking to your healthcare provider and other moms—it’s that every woman experiences it very differently. You may have all of these symptoms, some or none at all (and if you do, you’re in luck!).
During the first trimester, a change in your body is an increase in blood flow. Your body’s blood helps to carry oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby. Amazing Fact: According to the Mayo Clinic website, your blood volume increases by 30 to 50 percent during pregnancy. Your heart rate is now also faster to pump all that extra blood, speeding up your heart rate by about 10 to 12 beats per minute. The extra demands placed on your circulation are a big part of why you suddenly feel totally exhausted. Your body is working hard, even if you’re just lying on the couch. Take it easy, take a nap when you can, eat well and drink plenty of water; all these things will help relieve some of that fatigue. (Read here “What to eat?” during the pregnancy)
1/25 inch
Height of your baby
< 1 ounce
Weight of your baby Gewicht
poppy seed
Size of your baby
your baby
This week the yolk sac and fruit cavity are forming – which will envelop and protect your little man for months to come. And your baby develops three specialized layers of cells: one will develop into the nervous system, connective tissue, inner ear, skin, and her-; one that becomes the heart- and circulatory system and serves as the basis for the bones, muscles, and kidneys; and an inner layer where the lungs, intestines, and bladder will develop. The very beginning of the connecting stem that will become the umbilical cord is also formed. Until the placenta is complete and functioning, a yolk sac — now present and attached like a small balloon — will nourish your baby. It slowly disappears as the placenta takes over this important task.
Your life right now
Once you find out you’re pregnant – and can stop staring at the positive test, which you may have retaken several times to make sure it was correct – it’s a good idea to call your doctor and get your make your first prenatal appointment. If this is your first baby, and your regular gynecologist doesn’t do Ob, ask her for recommendations and do some research on practices yourself. Having a healthcare professional that you like and trust is crucial. After all, this is the person who is going to give you advice and walk you through this really crazy experience, including being with you in the delivery room. The sooner you start the search and settle with someone, the more consistent your care will be. (Read here Tips for choosing the right gynecologist near you)
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