Check out all Rockstar games to download now for free

This year wasn’t much of a success for Rockstar Games. Although their 8-year-old classic, GTA 5 surpassed 150 million sales this year, it hadn’t had much of an impact in the game world. The fans were really annoyed by Rockstar Games when they released the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto: Ther Trilogy – The Definitive Edition, which turned out to be a huge blunder. The remasters included GTA Vice City, GTA III, and San Andreas, which were immediately pulled from sale after launch due to numerous glitches that messed up the game. To pacify the situation, Rockstar Games is giving away some of their titles for free.

The fans filed several complaints and refund requests after the GTA Trilogy Remastered was pulled from sale. This prompted Rockstar Games to apologize to all fans and they managed to release a series of updates that significantly improved the remasters. Rockstar Games has already donated all three original versions of the game to the fans who bought the remastered edition and now they are planning more. Rockstar Games recently confirmed that those who bought the GTA Trilogy Remastered will be able to download another Rockstar game title for free. Users can choose anyone from a list of Rockstar games, including Max Payne 3, Bully: Scholarship Edition, LA Noire, GTA 5: Premium Edition, and GTA 4: Complete Edition.

This offer is only valid until January 5, 2022 and the list is quite impressive. Players are advised to go for LA Noire as it is a pure masterpiece and one of the best detective games out there. Rockstar Games also gives players virtual currency that they can redeem in Red Dead Online or GTA Online. PC gamers who enjoy action-adventure games can’t go wrong with Max Payne 3, and fans of classic Rockstar should opt for Bully: Scholarship Edition. Go get them now!
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