Fortnite gets new matrix emotes based on classic movie moves; read more

Epic Games updates new skins, gears, and emotes every day at 4pm PT, so Fortnite players are eagerly looking for new skins, gears, and emotes. There is a chance that new missions, world-changing events and all-new gameplay ideas will be added to the game at any time, in addition to the mundane products that can be found in the store. This time, Epic Games has released new Matrix content for Fortnite, giving players access to new Matrix emotes throughout the game.
The Matrix Content in Fortnite
The Matrix is ubiquitous and Fortnite is no exception. Starting today, players can access new content based on the popular reality-bending sci-fi brand. Emotes based on classic movie moves are added to Fortnite, as well as a brilliant weapon wrap. Players can now get more stuff from the Follow the White Rabbit set, according to a post on the official Epic Games website. The new Matrix set of goods includes two new emotes, one of which imitates Trinity’s iconic floating staircase and the other Neo’s bullet-avoiding recline. The Ones and Zeroes wrap, which takes its name from the green-on-black binary encoding seen in the Matrix movies, will also be available.
The Neo’s Bullet Time and Trinity’s Kick Emotes are included in the collection, which is named after the original directive that leads Thomas Anderson (aka Neo) to meet Morpheus and escape The Matrix. Players will see their character dodge a barrage of bullets by sitting back in Neo’s Bullet Time in slow motion. Players will jump into the air and freeze for a few moments before unleashing an amazing kick in Trinity’s Kick.
Throughout the Matrix set, the items join the Sentinel Glider, which was recovered as part of the ongoing Winterfest festivities. If a player has not yet unpacked the Sentinel Glider, they can do so until the end of Winterfest on January 6, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. ET.
One notable missing from the current Matrix Fortnite set is a skin for one of the characters from the film. While Neo won’t make it into Fortnite (at least for now), Keanu Reeves, who portrays him, is already part of the game’s world as John Wick.
Additionally, the Cutiepie skin from Chapter 2 Season 1 and Blinky from Chapter 2 Season 5 are both back in the shop, along with a selection of other Christmas-themed items.