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How to ensure safety while removing skin tags?
There are quite a few chances that you will find a skin tag on any part of your body during your lifetime. But what is a skin tag?
A skin tag is a small and harmless outgrowth in a certain area of the skin that is soft and common today. They can appear on any part of your body, but they usually grow in places that are folded, such as armpits, neck, and eyelids. A person is likely to have skin tags ranging from 1-100 throughout their life. Middle-aged and obese adults are more likely to get skin tags, but newborn babies are also more prone to skin tags as they can get 1 to 2 skin tags after birth.
How to get rid of skin tags?
Now that you know what skin tags are, let’s take a look at how to remove them.
They may be harmless, but let’s admit that no one likes having any kind of disorder in their skin. Depending on the location of the wart, they can be easily visible, making them all the more painful.
The skin tag removal methods can be classified into 4 categories. Each method has its own pros and cons, and they also depend on the size, location, and your own convenience when considering wart removal.
As such, the methods are:
• To freeze
• Bind with a thread or suture
• Creams
• To cut
They may sound difficult, but it is now possible to perform all four remedies from the comfort of your home. Of course, there are many elements to consider when choosing the best method for removing skin tags.
If you are considering the freezing method, you would definitely avoid it if the skin tag is near your eyes. Although it is quite simple, it is highly recommended to keep such treatment away from the eyes. This method is performed with the product Compound W. It comes with “shields” to be applied around the base of the skin tag. Use the included swab with a liquid substance similar to liquid nitrogen soaked in it. Touch the skin tag with the magic wand and after a few weeks you will notice that the skin tag has fallen off.
Bind with a thread or suture:
This method is quite simple. You will need to tie a piece of thread or suture tightly around the base of the skin tag. As time goes by, the cells will die due to a lack of blood flow and the skin tag will fall off.
There are many companies that make skin tag removal creams with natural or homeopathic ingredients. If you have a skin tag on the face or other frequently exposed area of the body, you should consider this option.
To cut:
This is the easiest option for removing skin tags. The best place to cut the skin tag is when no more skin tags grow in the same place. To avoid infection, make sure it is sterilized.
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